Straus Family Creamery Introduces Innovative Organic Dairy Sustainability Incentive Program to Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2030
Source: The DairyNews
In a pioneering move, Straus Family Creamery is leading the charge in sustainable organic dairy farming with its newly launched Organic Dairy Sustainability Incentive Program. Recognized as one of the first of its kind from a dairy processor, the program aims to support supplying organic dairy farms in achieving carbon neutrality by 2030.

Driven by Founder Albert Straus' vision for a sustainable organic farming and food system, the program encourages on-farm climate solutions based on Straus Family Creamery's replicable carbon-neutral organic dairy farming model. In a departure from conventional approaches, incentives are paid monthly and tied to qualified practice implementation, not reliant on the purchase of offsets or post-practice results.
In the program's inaugural year, a total of $250,000 in incentives has been disbursed to participating farms. Emphasizing its commitment to organic agriculture, the Creamery's financial incentive program aligns with the United States Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program, promoting practices that benefit the climate, water, soil quality, and biodiversity.
Key components of the program include the development and implementation of carbon farm plans, manure management practices, fossil fuel elimination through on-farm vehicle electrification, and reduction of enteric methane emissions through certified organic feed additives.
The Creamery's collaborative approach with partner dairies has already set a new industry standard, as highlighted in a recent World Wildlife Fund report titled "Reducing Greenhouse Gases with Incentives at the Farm." Joseph Button, Vice President of Sustainability and Strategic Impact, emphasizes the importance of the entire network of organic dairy farms in achieving the 2030 net carbon neutral goal.
Despite a national decline in dairy farms, Straus Family Creamery is expanding its impact by welcoming three new farms to its supplier group: Moretti Family Farm, Robert McClelland Dairy, and Nosecchi Family Dairy. This expansion underscores the Creamery's commitment to rural community revitalization and the collaborative development of climate solutions.
Founder Albert Straus, whose dairy farm serves as a model, articulates the Creamery's dedication to supporting farmers in the face of challenges, fostering innovation, and ensuring the economic viability of sustainable organic dairy farming for future generations.
Celebrating its 30th anniversary, Straus Family Creamery reflects on its trailblazing milestones, including being the first 100 percent certified organic creamery in the U.S. (1994) and the first creamery worldwide to receive TRUE® Zero Waste Certification. The Creamery continues its legacy with the introduction of a new line of organic low-fat kefirs, with the organic kefir blueberry recognized as a NEXTY Award Finalist for Best New Certified Organic Product. The Creamery invites attendees at Natural Products Expo West to sample the organic kefir at the Fresh Ideas Organic Marketplace tent on March 13, from 11 am to 4 pm.
In the program's inaugural year, a total of $250,000 in incentives has been disbursed to participating farms. Emphasizing its commitment to organic agriculture, the Creamery's financial incentive program aligns with the United States Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program, promoting practices that benefit the climate, water, soil quality, and biodiversity.
Key components of the program include the development and implementation of carbon farm plans, manure management practices, fossil fuel elimination through on-farm vehicle electrification, and reduction of enteric methane emissions through certified organic feed additives.
The Creamery's collaborative approach with partner dairies has already set a new industry standard, as highlighted in a recent World Wildlife Fund report titled "Reducing Greenhouse Gases with Incentives at the Farm." Joseph Button, Vice President of Sustainability and Strategic Impact, emphasizes the importance of the entire network of organic dairy farms in achieving the 2030 net carbon neutral goal.
Despite a national decline in dairy farms, Straus Family Creamery is expanding its impact by welcoming three new farms to its supplier group: Moretti Family Farm, Robert McClelland Dairy, and Nosecchi Family Dairy. This expansion underscores the Creamery's commitment to rural community revitalization and the collaborative development of climate solutions.
Founder Albert Straus, whose dairy farm serves as a model, articulates the Creamery's dedication to supporting farmers in the face of challenges, fostering innovation, and ensuring the economic viability of sustainable organic dairy farming for future generations.
Celebrating its 30th anniversary, Straus Family Creamery reflects on its trailblazing milestones, including being the first 100 percent certified organic creamery in the U.S. (1994) and the first creamery worldwide to receive TRUE® Zero Waste Certification. The Creamery continues its legacy with the introduction of a new line of organic low-fat kefirs, with the organic kefir blueberry recognized as a NEXTY Award Finalist for Best New Certified Organic Product. The Creamery invites attendees at Natural Products Expo West to sample the organic kefir at the Fresh Ideas Organic Marketplace tent on March 13, from 11 am to 4 pm.