EN 中文 DE FR عربى

TB Differential Slaughter Levy Adjustments: Dairy Levy Increases, Beef Levy Decreases

USA 13.09.2024
Source: DairyNews.today
1022 EN 中文 DE FR عربى
Starting next month, the TB differential slaughter levy rates will see changes, with dairy cattle facing an increase of 75 cents to $12.25 per head, while beef cattle will experience a reduction of 25 cents to $4.50 per head, according to Ospri.
TB Differential Slaughter Levy Adjustments: Dairy Levy Increases, Beef Levy Decreases

Each year, the levy rates are reviewed under the TBfree Funders’ Agreement to ensure that funding for the TBfree programme aligns with industry-agreed funding levels. The adjustments reflect the latest farm gate values and slaughter volumes for dairy and beef cattle, ensuring fair distribution of costs across the industries.

The differential slaughter levy is collected to fund the TBfree programme, with the shares between beef and dairy industries changing annually based on the relative size and value of each sector.

Ospri has communicated these adjustments to industry bodies, including DairyNZ, Beef + Lamb New Zealand, and Deer Industry New Zealand. It emphasized that these changes do not increase overall programme funding but maintain consistent levels to support the TBfree initiative.

Beef + Lamb New Zealand has reminded farmers to keep their NAIT accounts updated and ensure the correct animal type is recorded to avoid incorrect levy charges.

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