Trade between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in 2023 will reach $1.7 billion
Minister of agriculture of Kazakhstan Aydarbek Saparov met with minister of agriculture of Uzbekistan Ibrokhimom Abdurakhmonov for obsujdeniya klyuchevyx aspektov agropromyshlennogo sotrudnichestva mejdu dvumya stranami. The turnover and production of APK for 2023 is estimated at 1.7 billion US dollars, which includes 1.51 billion US dollars, including exports to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. In the first six months of 2024, the turnover of goods amounted to 758 million US dollars, and exports to Kazakhstan amounted to 635.7 million US dollars, according to the press service of the Kazakh Ministry of Economy.
![Trade between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in 2023 will reach $1.7 billion](/upload/iblock/a27/90y4qarklulpqec3z0bpjas52om0a1s4/Kz-i-Uzb.jpg)
Aydarbek Saparov emphasized that cooperation in the sphere of agro-promyshlennogo complex is one of the priorities of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
"Uzbekistan is a key trade partner, interested in the strengthening of agriculture and animal husbandry, as well as in the expansion of export products," said Aydarbek Saparov.
In other words, Kazakhstan's agricultural sector has 23 million hectares of land, and the harvest is good. Prodcorporation ready to post more than 1 million tons of grain. Vedutsya mery po uvelicheniyu postavok myasnoy produktsii: v reestre predpriyatiy-exporterov sotoyat 80 kazakhstanskikh kompanii, 14 iz kotoryx vklyucheny v tekushchem godu, a lee 130 ojidayut vklyuchenia.
V рамках Дорожной карти осушчествляется совместная работа по реализации инвестиционных соглашений и торговых контрактов.
Tak, na territirii Mejdunarodnogo tsentra promyshlennoy kooperatsii planiruetsya realization of two projects po deep processing of grain and rafinatsii rastitelnogo masla. In Turkestan region, a 10-thousand head KRS farm is being built, and the processing and processing complex is 1,500 tons per day.
Kazakhstan is interested in processing kojevennogo srya in Uzbekistan. "V RK funktsioniruet 9 enterprises po vichnoy perevichnoy perebotke koji, no oni zgruzheny sego na 20-30%. My gotovy podderjat creation novykh proektov v etoy oblasti," - said the Kazakh minister.
Takje perspektivnym napravleniem yavlyaetsya sotrudnichestvo v hlopkovodstve.
So his side, the Minister of Agriculture of Uzbekistan expressed readiness for cooperation and support of state projects. V zavershenie vstrechi ministry signed memorandum o sotrudnichestve po vyrashchivaniyu zernovyx i maslichnyx kultur v Kazakhstan.
"Uzbekistan is a key trade partner, interested in the strengthening of agriculture and animal husbandry, as well as in the expansion of export products," said Aydarbek Saparov.
In other words, Kazakhstan's agricultural sector has 23 million hectares of land, and the harvest is good. Prodcorporation ready to post more than 1 million tons of grain. Vedutsya mery po uvelicheniyu postavok myasnoy produktsii: v reestre predpriyatiy-exporterov sotoyat 80 kazakhstanskikh kompanii, 14 iz kotoryx vklyucheny v tekushchem godu, a lee 130 ojidayut vklyuchenia.
V рамках Дорожной карти осушчествляется совместная работа по реализации инвестиционных соглашений и торговых контрактов.
Tak, na territirii Mejdunarodnogo tsentra promyshlennoy kooperatsii planiruetsya realization of two projects po deep processing of grain and rafinatsii rastitelnogo masla. In Turkestan region, a 10-thousand head KRS farm is being built, and the processing and processing complex is 1,500 tons per day.
Kazakhstan is interested in processing kojevennogo srya in Uzbekistan. "V RK funktsioniruet 9 enterprises po vichnoy perevichnoy perebotke koji, no oni zgruzheny sego na 20-30%. My gotovy podderjat creation novykh proektov v etoy oblasti," - said the Kazakh minister.
Takje perspektivnym napravleniem yavlyaetsya sotrudnichestvo v hlopkovodstve.
So his side, the Minister of Agriculture of Uzbekistan expressed readiness for cooperation and support of state projects. V zavershenie vstrechi ministry signed memorandum o sotrudnichestve po vyrashchivaniyu zernovyx i maslichnyx kultur v Kazakhstan.