Strong Sales and High Demand at CCM Skipton's Latest Dairy Auction

The auction saw six heifers in milk averaging £1,958, and two cows in milk averaging £1,500, with a top price of £1,700 for a Kenobi-sired second calver from Norman and Chris Bell of Cowling. In-calf heifers from Old Northcote Farm, Kilnsey, consigned by Andrea and Josh Clay, averaged £1,521, peaking at £1,750. Paul and Karen Hutchinson’s Whychall Rhapsody Kathleen 2, due in September, fetched £1,780, contributing to an average of £1,538 for their seven in-calf heifers.
Yearling and bulling heifers also saw keen demand. Highlights included Whychall Retro Polly, which sold for £1,060 to the Ishmel family of Orrell, Wigan, and Whychall Milano Rosina, which fetched £1,040 and is headed to Cheshire.
Younger heifers from Alan, Susan, and Richard Throup of Dalesbrad Herd, Silsden, and Andrew Ayrton of Eastby, both made £820. These included Dalesbrad Sizzler Dawn, born in late September 2023, and Andrew Ayrton’s August-born Hawbank Harley P Honey 228.
Peter and David Stevenson sold the final 31 heifers from their Lofthouse herd, with notable sales including Lofthouse Sedona Stirkie 47 at £1,700 and a yearling by Denovo 17215 Glory at £940.
The auction also reported continued strong trade for Spring lambs, with 1,812 head averaging nearly 310p per kilo, a significant increase over the same period last year. Highlights included 39kg Beltex lambs at 366p per kilo (£143) from Ali Jenkinson and 56kg Beltex lambs at £188 from John Robinson, purchased by Lister Brown. Mule wether lambs reached £134 from New York Farms, Silsden.
Cull sheep trade showed a slight ease, with a larger entry of horned ewes and Mules, resulting in a section average of £103.09. Top prices included Texel ewes at £214.50 and cast rams averaging £137.39. Six cast cattle saw black and white cull cows trade up to £1,308 and beef-bred Limousin cows to £1,391.
Overall, the market demonstrated strong demand and solid prices across various categories, reflecting positive trends and promising outlooks for producers and buyers alike.
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