Kyrgyzstan Boosts Butter Imports from Belarus in 2024 Amid Regional Competition
According to the National Statistics Committee of Kyrgyzstan, the country imported 101 tonnes of butter from Belarus between January and October 2024, a 3.8-fold increase compared to the same period in 2023 (26.9 tonnes). In monetary terms, imports surged from $125,700 to $648,200

In addition to Belarus, Kyrgyzstan's butter imports in 2024 included:
Kazakhstan: 24.3 tonnes ($116,500), up from 1.3 tonnes ($4,400) in 2023.
Azerbaijan: 22.2 tonnes ($14,500), compared to no imports in 2023.
Russia: 0.1 tonnes ($3,100), down from 2.7 tonnes ($14,600) in 2023.
Turkey: 0.1 tonnes ($700), with no imports in 2023.
In contrast, Australia, which supplied a significant 95.2 tonnes ($471,400) in 2023, did not export any butter to Kyrgyzstan in 2024.
The total butter imports to Kyrgyzstan during the first 10 months of 2024 amounted to 148.4 tonnes, valued at $782,900. This marks an increase from 126.3 tonnes worth $617,000 in the same period of 2023.