Colombian Dairy Sector Advocates for Increased Milk Consumption Amidst Price Variations

The Colombian dairy industry is urging local consumers to increase milk consumption as part of the 'More Milk, More Life' initiative. This campaign aims to strengthen the connection between rural producers and urban consumers while highlighting the nutritional and economic benefits of local dairy production.
Currently, Colombian households are paying between $2,917 and $9,750 per liter of milk, as reported by Analac, an organization that monitors prices in six cities and across 85 dairy brands. This wide price range reflects various business models, from low-cost store brands to supermarkets with complex logistics.
The campaign not only seeks to promote local consumption but also aims to develop both domestic and international markets for Colombian dairy products. Efforts include public purchases and exports, initiated during the challenging period of 2024, with a vision for these to become permanent and easily accessible markets.
There is a nationwide goal to increase dairy consumption by 20 kg per person annually to reach the 170 kg recommended by FAO. Increasing consumption presents growth opportunities for farmers, local associations, and regional markets, ultimately strengthening the nutritional and economic fabric of the nation.
'There are opportunities for everyone, and the greatest lies in growing the market together as a sector.'
Through tangible consumer engagement, the Colombian dairy sector is poised to make a significant contribution to the country's food security and stability in farmer-industry relations.