NFU Scotland's Milk Committee Chair Optimistic After European Study Trip

The group met with officials from Copa Cogeca, International Dairy Federation, European Dairy Association, German Farmers Union, Fonterra, and Eucolait, discussing various issues and sharing perspectives.
Mackie highlighted the importance of establishing relationships with other Milk Committee Chairs and Policy Advisors from fellow unions. The group addressed issues such as milk contracts, collaborating with Defra, and working towards common goals. Despite global challenges like climate change, the war in Ukraine, and supply chain issues, the dairy industry's problems are shared across Europe and beyond.
The visit emphasized the relevance of the UK Union's Brussels-based office, BAB, in dealing with one of the largest markets post-Brexit. Mackie noted the support and alliances within the European and wider international dairy industry, emphasizing the need to take advantage of these alliances. The study trip included meetings with representatives from Copa Cogeca, International Dairy Federation, European Dairy Association, German Farmers Union, Fonterra, and Eucolait, providing valuable insights into the dairy sector's future and challenges faced by farmers globally.