EN 中文 DE FR عربى

Global consumption of dairy products will increase by 24% by 2031 – Artem Belov

Russia 23.01.2024
Source: The DairyNews
1047 EN 中文 DE FR عربى
The forecast dynamics of global consumption of dairy products until 2031 compared to the average value for 2019-2021 will be 24%. Thus, dairy products will take first place in the list of products for which demand will increase as much as possible. This was stated by Artem Belov, General Director of Soyuzmoloko, during the XV Congress of the National Union of Milk Producers, The DairyNews reports.
Global consumption of dairy products will increase by 24% by 2031 – Artem Belov

Moreover, the maximum increase in the consumption of dairy products until 2031 will be in the countries of South and Southeast Asia, as well as the countries of sub-Saharan Africa (+3.5%), in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa the increase will be (+2.6% ).

As the speaker predicts, over the next 10 years, the increase in consumption of dairy products in the world could amount to almost 180 million tons. At the same time, the average annual growth rate (1.8%) corresponds to the level of the last 20 years.

“The global market potential is absolutely fantastic. Moreover, first of all, we are talking about countries friendly to Russia, primarily the markets of Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, which opens up enormous opportunities for Russia to increase exports,” Artem Belov emphasized.

He called 2023 successful for the Russian Federation in terms of exports of commodity goods, which account for 80% of world trade.

According to the data provided, in 2023, Russia exported about 13-15% of skimmed milk powder produced in the country and about 10% of whey. Export supplies of dry dairy products from the Russian Federation in January-November 2023 amounted to: SOM + 499% (2022 +362%), SCM + 284% (+258%), whey and products based on it + 108% (+82% ).

The TOP 15 directions for growth in dairy exports in 2023 included Kazakhstan (+39.6 thousand tons), Armenia (+20 thousand tons), China (+32 thousand tons), Georgia (+8.1 thousand tons). tons) and Azerbaijan (+11.9 thousand tons).

Artem Belov outlined a number of key factors for the development of exports of dairy products from Russia, including approaching self-sufficiency of the domestic market for dairy products, high potential for increasing the production of raw milk and finished dairy products, growing global demand for dairy products, favorable geographical location relative to importing countries , as well as government support for export-oriented projects. At the same time, rising costs and decreasing competitiveness of domestic enterprises remain a significant risk.

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