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Karl Munden: Championing Dairy Farming Innovation in South Australia

Australia 26.07.2024
Source: The DairyNews
481 EN 中文 DE FR عربى
Karl Munden, a notable figure fr om Victoria, South Australia, recently showcased his expertise at this year's Limavady Show, wh ere he judged the dairy classes.
Karl Munden: Championing Dairy Farming Innovation in South Australia
Back in Australia, Munden manages a substantial dairy operation, milking 650 cows—a mix of Holsteins and Ayrshires—producing an average of 650kg of milk solids per cow annually. His farming strategy emphasizes year-round grazing, harnessing the natural abundance of perennial ryegrass leys, particularly during the spring when 14-day rotation periods are achievable.

The diet for the cows on Munden's farm is streamlined yet effective, consisting of grazed grass and a supplementary 5kg of grain per day, fed in the parlour throughout their lactation period. The herd is strategically divided into autumn- and spring-calving groups, with the autumn group comprising 450 head of cattle. These cows benefit from access to home-grown kale leading up to calving, a practice that enhances their nutrition and supports milk production.

Munden's commitment is clear: "Our aim is to produce as much milk from grazed grass as possible." This philosophy not only aligns with sustainable farming practices but also showcases the potential for high efficiency in dairy operations.

Snapshot of the Australian Dairy Industry

Despite recent challenges, including price cuts, the Australian dairy industry remains a formidable sector. In 2023, the industry produced 8.1 billion liters of milk, valued at AUD$6.1 billion, making it the country's third-largest rural industry. With 4,163 farms milking approximately 1.269 million cows, the average herd size in Australia stands at 305 cows. The sector employs 33,500 people and exports about 30% of its total output to international markets such as China, Singapore, Japan, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Australian consumers average 90 liters of milk consumption per year. Cheese manufacturing dominates the industry, accounting for 43% of total production, followed by liquid milk (30%), and butter and skim milk powder (18%).

Global Ayrshire Advocacy

Munden's trip to the UK and Ireland was part of a delegation from the World Ayrshire Federation, an organization that represents Ayrshire cattle breeders from several countries, including Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, Australia, the USA, South Africa, Sweden, and Finland. The federation, which held its 2024 annual conference in the UK, aims to enhance and promote the Ayrshire breed globally through various activities, including the organization of semen, livestock, and embryo exchanges across member countries.

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