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Integral Organic Milk Price FrieslandCampina November 2024: 68.33 euros

Netherlands 29.10.2024
Source: DairyNews.today
591 EN 中文 DE FR عربى
The Integral Organic Milk Price for October includes a seasonal bonus of 4.00 euros and an increase in the Organic Guaranteed Price of 1.25 euros per 100 kilograms of milk compared to the previous month.
Integral Organic Milk Price FrieslandCampina November 2024: 68.33 euros
The increase in the Organic Guaranteed Price is based on the expectation that reference prices for organic milk will increase slightly due to steady market demand. In addition, a substantial positive adjustment for the previous period is included.

The Integral Organic Milk Price that FrieslandCampina pays for organic milk from its member dairy farmers, is based on the Organic Guaranteed Price, supplemented with the maximum Foqus planet premium for sustainability efforts, and after deductions for charges, costs, and seasonal bonuses or discounts. In addition, FrieslandCampina members may receive a Supplementary Cash Payment, the amount of which depends on FrieslandCampina's results and the retained earnings policy adopted.

Value milk components November

This month the protein value is 943.23 euros and the fat value is 628.82 euros per 100 kilograms.

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