In Turkmenistan, Daily Milk Production Reaches an Average of 22 Liters per Cow
In 2023, Turkmenistan's agricultural sector attracted capital investments amounting to 1.6 billion manats. Livestock farming has shown significant growth: the cattle population has reached 2.5 million, sheep 20 million, poultry 21.9 million, and camels 141,000.

Modern breeding methods have led to the development of cattle breeds weighing over 1 ton, which indicates increased productivity. Daily milk production, using new technologies, has averaged 22 liters per cow. The "Sahabatly" agricultural company in Turkmenistan places special emphasis on creating a reliable feed base, cultivating corn, rapeseed, and triticale.
"If you want to achieve good results in livestock farming, first and foremost, you need to ensure a reliable feed base. We grow corn, rapeseed, and triticale, which contribute to the production of rich milk from cattle, on hundreds of hectares rented in the Geoktepe district of Ahal Province," said Orazgeldi Anzarov, the head of the "Sahabatly" agricultural company.
The company's livestock complex covers an area of 8.6 hectares, housing hundreds of cattle and Saanen goats, known for their productivity in local climatic conditions. The production facility manufactures yogurt, kefir, sour cream, and cheese, supplying the market with high-quality products.
The "Garagum" livestock farm in the Lebap region, which holds more than 58,000 heads of small ruminants, is actively preparing for winter. The farm has stocked more than 2,000 tons of feed and repaired enclosures for winter sheep grazing.
"We have prepared more than 2,000 tons of feed for winter. Most of the more than 100 enclosures owned by the farm have been fully repaired and are ready for the winter season. During the breeding period, we graze the sheep on pre-prepared land. Out of our 149 wells, we selected 50 with the best water for this time of year," emphasized farm director Bayramgeldi Illiyev.
The "Nurly Meidan" farm in the Balkan region is actively developing meat and egg production. Each year, the enterprise produces 8,000 tons of meat products and 15 million eggs. The farm also maintains around 55,000 laying hens and 350 heads of cattle.
"Turkmen land seems to be made for camel breeding. Thorny plants, saltwort, wormwood, and chamomile grow well in the country. The quantity and quality of camel milk are directly related to the animals' diet. We have 700 camels in total. Working with these 'ships of the desert' requires great endurance, patience, and the ability to approach these temperamental animals," shared Khydyrguly Gutlyev, the director of a farm in the Charjew district of the Lebap region.
The farm in the Charjew district, which houses 700 camels, continues to strengthen its position in camel milk production. In 2024, the farm exceeded its growth plan, increasing its herd by 118 camel calves.
"If you want to achieve good results in livestock farming, first and foremost, you need to ensure a reliable feed base. We grow corn, rapeseed, and triticale, which contribute to the production of rich milk from cattle, on hundreds of hectares rented in the Geoktepe district of Ahal Province," said Orazgeldi Anzarov, the head of the "Sahabatly" agricultural company.
The company's livestock complex covers an area of 8.6 hectares, housing hundreds of cattle and Saanen goats, known for their productivity in local climatic conditions. The production facility manufactures yogurt, kefir, sour cream, and cheese, supplying the market with high-quality products.
The "Garagum" livestock farm in the Lebap region, which holds more than 58,000 heads of small ruminants, is actively preparing for winter. The farm has stocked more than 2,000 tons of feed and repaired enclosures for winter sheep grazing.
"We have prepared more than 2,000 tons of feed for winter. Most of the more than 100 enclosures owned by the farm have been fully repaired and are ready for the winter season. During the breeding period, we graze the sheep on pre-prepared land. Out of our 149 wells, we selected 50 with the best water for this time of year," emphasized farm director Bayramgeldi Illiyev.
The "Nurly Meidan" farm in the Balkan region is actively developing meat and egg production. Each year, the enterprise produces 8,000 tons of meat products and 15 million eggs. The farm also maintains around 55,000 laying hens and 350 heads of cattle.
"Turkmen land seems to be made for camel breeding. Thorny plants, saltwort, wormwood, and chamomile grow well in the country. The quantity and quality of camel milk are directly related to the animals' diet. We have 700 camels in total. Working with these 'ships of the desert' requires great endurance, patience, and the ability to approach these temperamental animals," shared Khydyrguly Gutlyev, the director of a farm in the Charjew district of the Lebap region.
The farm in the Charjew district, which houses 700 camels, continues to strengthen its position in camel milk production. In 2024, the farm exceeded its growth plan, increasing its herd by 118 camel calves.