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In Dairy We Trust: Dairy's Enduring Trust and Value Among U.S. Consumers

USA 07.08.2024
Source: The DairyNews
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What makes dairy so indispensable that milk alone is found in 94 percent of U.S. refrigerators? The answers lie in its nutritional benefits, affordability, and most importantly, the trust it commands among consumers, according to nmpf.org.
In Dairy We Trust: Dairy's Enduring Trust and Value Among U.S. Consumers

According to the dairy checkoff’s latest consumer perception tracker by Kantar Group, dairy enjoys robust consumer confidence. This survey, conducted with a nationally representative sample of consumers aged 13-65, used a 1-7 scale to rate trust, with 1 indicating no trust and 7 indicating complete trust. Remarkably, 58 percent of respondents rated dairy at 5 or above.

The survey, conducted last November and December, further revealed that 35 percent of consumers either strongly or completely trust dairy (ratings of 6 and 7). This high trust level is consistent across generations. Baby Boomers led with 38 percent expressing strong or complete trust, followed by Millennials at 36 percent, young adults at 35 percent, and teenagers at 34 percent. Generation X, known for its skepticism, still showed a respectable 33 percent strong or complete trust.

When compared with other foods and industries, dairy's trust levels stand out. With 58 percent of consumers trusting dairy, it surpasses beef (53 percent), almonds (51 percent), the tech industry (53 percent), and the finance sector (43 percent).

In an era marked by misinformation and declining trust, dairy remains a beacon of reliability. Its broad-based support spans generations, illustrating a unique consumer confidence. This trust, combined with unparalleled nutrition and extensive consumer reach, reinforces dairy's pivotal role in American households.

Dairy's enduring trust is a testament to its consistent quality and the reassurance it provides to consumers. This strong foundation is essential in maintaining its position as a staple in U.S. diets, ensuring that dairy products continue to refresh and nourish with a trusted legacy.

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