EN 中文 DE FR عربى

Global Dairy Trade Event: GDT index up 0.5%

World 21.02.2024
Source: The DairyNews
1350 EN 中文 DE FR عربى
Change in GDT Price Index from previous event + 0.5%, Dairynews.today writes.
Global Dairy Trade Event: GDT index up 0.5%
The average price at the auction was $3,664.

Anhydrous Milk Fat was at $6,552(+8.6%), Butter at $6,526 (+0.1%), Cheddar at $4,143 (-7.6%), Lactose at $785 (-1%), Mozzarella at $3,960 (+5.3%), Skim Milk Powder at $2,788(+1.3%), and Whole Milk Powder at $3,388(-1.8%).

GDT Events Results » GlobalDairyTrade - Google Chrome.png

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