Farmers Advised to Prepare for the 2025 Dairy Breeding Season

The Irish Cattle and Breeding Federation (ICBF) and Teagasc are urging farmers to start planning their breeding strategies to improve herd sustainability, profitability, and efficiency as the 2025 dairy breeding season nears.
The goal is to breed dairy cows that are not only healthy and efficient but also carbon-friendly, while generating calves of higher quality for the beef industry. As the end of March approaches, and with some cows yet to calve, the breeding season draws closer, necessitating strategic plans for breeding the new generation of milkers and saleable quality beef calves.
To support these objectives, the ICBF and Teagasc have released essential breeding guidelines. A strong focus is placed on the Economic Breeding Index (EBI), wherein every €1 increase translates to €2 in additional profit. Farmers are advised to use the ICBF Herd EBI scorecard to assess their herd’s genetic strengths and weaknesses, which is critical in setting breeding objectives and choosing appropriate AI bulls.
A key tactic involves breeding high-EBI dairy replacements, urging farmers to aim for high-EBI females (minimum EBI €185) using dairy AI bulls, whether sexed or conventional. It is recommended to sel ect a balanced team of high-EBI AI bulls fr om the ICBF Active Bull List, ensuring no single bull contributes more than 15% of services.
Furthermore, the Dairy Beef Index (DBI) enables farmers to pick beef bulls that are easy-calving, have short gestation, and possess high carcass merit. Farmers are advised to review the DBI active bull list, set appropriate calving difficulty thresholds, and select bulls with at least a €100 beef sub-index. Utilizing sexed semen is highlighted as an effective strategy for breeding future heifers, with a focus on high EBI bulls.
Moreover, the ICBF HerdPlus Sire Advice Tool is available to help manage inbreeding, improve dairy and beef matings, and enhance both milk production and fertility, while minimizing calving difficulty risks. A traffic light system to simplify interpretation, highlighting the top and lowest 30% of breeding values, is introduced to enhance the selection process.