Entrepinares Transforms 7.2% of Galicia's Milk: Adding Value to the Dairy Industry

Processes 7.2% of Galicia's Milk
The esteemed dairy company, Entrepinares, has enhanced its contributions to the industry by transforming a notable percentage of Galicia's milk into value-added derivatives. This transformation highlights the company's influential role in the regional dairy sector.
During a visit to Entrepinares' facilities in the Sete Pontes industrial area, María José Gómez, the conselleira de Medio Rural, emphasized the company's essential part in generating additional value by processing approximately 215 million liters of milk annually from the 3 billion liters produced in Galicia. Juan José Cerviño Varela, director xeral of the PAC and of the Control da Cadea Alimentaria, stated that Entrepinares collaborates with about 165 producers, generating raw material valued at €108 million, which is converted into products like cheeses packaged for nationwide retailer Mercadona.
Industry Contributions
and Future Plans
Entrepinares has established itself as a major player since its first factory inauguration in Vilalba in 2010. It expanded in 2019 and launched its Proláctea dairy derivatives plant in 2018. The company's latest expansion in 2024 introduced new production capabilities, such as large round cheeses.
The visit highlighted state representatives' acknowledgment of Entrepinares' competitive pricing strategy and its commitment to uniform pricing across all regions. The contingent included José Manuel García Bejines, the CEO of Entrepinares; José Antonio Martín, a board member; Javier Gato, the plant's director; Roberto Cabezas, the director of people and communication; Vilalba's mayor, Marta Rouco; Sandra Vázquez, the director xeral of Institutional Relations and Parliament of the Xunta; among other local officials.