Chinese Production Covers 60% of the Country's Milk Powder Needs
Domestic milk powder production in China currently covers about 60% of the country's needs, especially in the category of whole milk powder (SCM). By the end of 2022, the level of self-sufficiency of SCM reached 60.1%, whereas for skimmed milk powder (SOM) this figure was only 7.0%. This is reported by

In 2022, China produced 1.075 million tons of milk powder, of which 1.050 million tons were produced by dairy products. The average annual growth in production in the period from 2018 to 2022 amounted to 2.2%, due to the adaptation of the processing industry to the growing volume of milk production in the country. This trend is expected to continue in the coming years.
The total volume of milk powder consumption in China in 2022 reached 2,106 million tons, of which 1,747 million tons accounted for dairy products and 359 thousand tons for catfish. Industrial processing remains the main channel of consumption, which accounted for 83.4% of the total volume of milk powder last year. Retail sales accounted for 15.7%, while the catering sector accounted for only 0.9%.
The export of milk powder from China remains insignificant and amounted to 4.2 thousand tons worth 18.5 million US dollars in 2022. The main buyers of Chinese products are Hong Kong, Mongolia and the DPRK. At the same time, the import of milk powder plays an important role in securing the market. In 2022, the volume of imports reached 1.035 million tons worth 4.429 billion US dollars, due to insufficient adaptation of the processing sector to increased domestic production.
Among the largest suppliers of milk powder to China is New Zealand, which in 2022 provided 71.4% of all imports in kind. Australia is in second place with a share of 8.6%, followed by the USA, Uruguay, Finland and Belarus. Imports of catfish cost China an average price of $ 4,021 per ton, and at the CCM — $ 4,402 per ton.
The total volume of milk powder consumption in China in 2022 reached 2,106 million tons, of which 1,747 million tons accounted for dairy products and 359 thousand tons for catfish. Industrial processing remains the main channel of consumption, which accounted for 83.4% of the total volume of milk powder last year. Retail sales accounted for 15.7%, while the catering sector accounted for only 0.9%.
The export of milk powder from China remains insignificant and amounted to 4.2 thousand tons worth 18.5 million US dollars in 2022. The main buyers of Chinese products are Hong Kong, Mongolia and the DPRK. At the same time, the import of milk powder plays an important role in securing the market. In 2022, the volume of imports reached 1.035 million tons worth 4.429 billion US dollars, due to insufficient adaptation of the processing sector to increased domestic production.
Among the largest suppliers of milk powder to China is New Zealand, which in 2022 provided 71.4% of all imports in kind. Australia is in second place with a share of 8.6%, followed by the USA, Uruguay, Finland and Belarus. Imports of catfish cost China an average price of $ 4,021 per ton, and at the CCM — $ 4,402 per ton.