Ballymena Mart Report: Strong Sales in Cattle, Dairy Cows Top at £2680

Beef cows to 302p for 680kg at £2053, Friesian cows to 180p for 710kg at £1278 and beef heifers to 309p for 660kg at £2039 and 710kg at £2193.
Beef bullocks to 313p for 630kg £1971 and to a high top per head of £2594 for 940kg.
Friesian bullocks to 223p for 540kg at £1204.
Beef cows sold to: James McKay, Upperlands Limousin 680kg £2053 (302), David Andrew, Templepatrick Limousin 610kg £1769 (290), John Lowe, Cookstown Limousin 920kg £2465 (268), J McComb, Muckamore Limousin 780kg £2020 (259), James McKay Limousin 680kg £1740 (256), John Lowe Limousin 700kg £1764 (252), James McKay Limousin 780kg £1950 (250) and local farmer Limousin 820kg £2033 (248), Limousin 810kg £2008 (248).
Friesian cows sold to: Brian McConnell, Doagh 710kg £1278 (180), B Alexander, Ahoghill 830kg £1444 (174), M Gordon, Clough 680kg £1162 (171), D and H Parks, Moira 670kg £1105 (165), William Hoey, Ballymena 670kg £1098 (164), Victor Turtle, Ahoghill 690kg £1131 (164), WS Kennedy, Ballyclare 710kg £1157 (163), J and A McAteer, Randalstown 730kg £1182 (162) and Jacksons, Ballynure 780kg £1255 (161).
Beef heifers sold to: R Henry, Kilwaughter Limousin 660kg £2039 (309), local farmer Limousin 710kg £2193 (309), Taggart Brothers, Doagh Charolais 650kg £2002 (308), Charolais 700kg £2142 (306), Charolais 670kg £2050 (306), David Andrew, Templepatrick Limousin 640kg £1945 (304), Taggart Brothers Limousin 710kg £2158 (304), James McCaughan, Armoy Charolais 580kg £1711 (295) and Martin McFall, Portglenone Limousin 600kg £1764 (294),
Beef bullocks per kg
RJ Anderson, Cullybackey Charolais 630kg £1971 (313), JC Prentice, Comber Limousin 780kg £2340 (300), RJ Anderson Charolais 660kg £1947 (295), local farmer Shorthorn beef 750kg £2212 (295), J McPeake, Bellaghy Limousin 670kg £1969 (294), local farmer Belgian Blue 850kg £2482 (292), J McPeake Limousin 710kg £2066 (291) and local farmer Charolais 770kg £2240 (291).
Top per head
Local farmer Charolais 940kg £2594, James McKay, Upperlands Limousin 930kg £2585, local farmer Belgian Blue 850kg £2482, JC Prentice, Comber Limousin 780kg £2340, local farmer Charolais 770kg £2240, JC Prentice Charolais 780kg £2230, local farmer Shorthorn beef 750kg £2212 and G and A McMaster, Broughshane Charolais 780lg £2176.
Friesian bullocks sold to: J and M Hamill, Broughshane 540kg £1204 (223), Alfie Rocke, Larne 740kg £1635 (221) and M Jamison 700kg £1533 (219), 780kg £1677 (215), 720kg £1526 (212), 700kg £1470 (210).
Friday 10th May 2024: Dairy cows - K Craig, Ballyclare £2680, £2650, £2600, £2480, 2x £2300, £2200, £2050, £2000, £1980, £1950, £1900, £1750, £1720, 2x £1700.
D McDowell, Newtownards Abondance £2450, G Gault, Doagh Abondance £2250 and M Moffett, Ballymena Limousin £2050.
B Millar, Randalstown Saler in calf £1820, £1800, A McConaghy, Ballycastle Aubrac in calf £1720, B Mathews, Clough Saler in calf £1680, Saler with Limousin heifer £1600, A McConaghy, Aubrac in calf £1580, L Weatherup, Simmental £1450, B Mathews, Saler in calf £1350, B Millar, Saler in calf £1250 and B Mathews, Clough Saler in calf £1250.
A smaller show of 225 calves resulted in another sharper trade. The sun was shining, and the bidding was furious around the ring.
Bulls topped at £700.
Heifers topped at £585.
Reared Friesians at £405.
Young Friesian at £190.
A sale average of £280.
W Lusk, Ballyclare Hereford £700, P Brankin, Charolais £685, R Ferguson, Comber Charolais £650, P Brankin, Limousin £630, Limousin £550, RJ Cupples, Belgian Blue £540, W Lusk, Belgian Blue £510, D Montgomery, Belgian Blue £490, D Morrison, Armoy Belgian Blue £460, J Patterson Hereford £455, R Ferguson, Comber Limousin £450, J Dugan, 2x Belgian Blue £445, R Bingham, Abondance £440 and D Morrison, Armoy 2x Abondance £440.
I Montgomery, Mallusk Charolais £585, R Thompson, Glenarm 4x Abondance £550, S Brennan, Limousin £500, WJ Thompson, 3x Charolais £490, R Thompson, 2 Abondance £470, I Montgomery, Charolais £445, B McConnell, Abondance £430, D Morrison, 2x Belgian Blue £430 and R Bingham, Charolais £420.
Friesian bulls
J and A Gillan, Clough 2x £405, B McConnell, £330, S Brennan, Larne £305, B McConnell, £280, M McAllister, £255, £240, J Dugan, £230, M McAllister, £230, Trimble, 4x £220, M McAllister, £220 and W Hoey, £190, R Bingham, £170.
Another super entry of 430 weanlings in Ballymena resulted in a terrific trade.
Bullocks sold to £1120 over for a Limousin 400kg at £1520 presented by David Andrew, Templepatrick.
Heifers sold to £970 over a Limousin 450kg at £1420 offered by WJ and RJ Cuthbert, Ballycarry.
0 kg to 300kg
D Andrew, Templepatrick Limousin 290kg £1270 (437) S Marshall, Ballymena Limousin 190kg £760 (400) J Knox, Broughshane Charolais 290kg £1150 (396) B Connon, Larne Limousin 280kg £1090 (389) S Minn, Moorfields Charolais 240kg £930 (387) local farmer, Limousin 240kg £920 (383) D Andrew, Limousin 280kg £1050 (375) S Marshall, Limousin 270kg £1000 (370) and D McKillop, Abondance 260kg £960 (369).
301kg to 350kg
Local farmer, Charolais 340kg £1410 (414) A Andrew, Templepatrick Limousin 320kg £1320 (412) Limousin 340kg £1350 (397) A Hillan, Broughshane Charolais 350kg £1380 (394) L Ervine, Newtownabbey Charolais 330kg £1300 (393) D Andrew, Limousin 320kg £1260 (393) Limousin 340kg £1300 (382) L Ervine, Charolais 330kg £1250 (378) and S Patterson, Carrickfergus Limousin 340kg £1280 (376).
351kg and over
Local farmer, Charolais 370kg £1480 (400) L Ervine, Charolais 360kg £1430 (397) D Andrew, Limousin 360kg £1370 (380) Limousin 400kg £1520 (380) Limousin 410kg £1250 (370) K Bell, Broughshane Charolais 370kg £1360 (367) L Ervine, Limousin 390kg £1420 (364) T Millar, Limousin £1400 (359) D Andrew, Limousin 410kg £1470 (358) T Jackson, Limousin 380kg £1360 (357) and Carrigeen Farms, Charolais 360kg £1270 (352).
0kg to 300kg
S Hill, Carrickfergus Limousin 140kg £585 (417) S Marshall, Limousin 150kg £600 (400) local farmer, Limousin 250kg £1000 (400) B McCoy, 3x Limousin 190kg £750 (394) J Knox, Broughshane Limousin 240kg £920 (383) J and J Murray, Larne Limousin 190kg £720 (379) T McNabney, Broughshane Limousin 240kg £880 (366) and B McCoy, 2x Limousin 250kg £905 (362).
301kg to 350kg
A and D McAfee, Bushmills Charolais 350kg £1240 (354) T Millar, Broughshane Limousin 310kg £1090 (351) WJ and RJ Cuthbert, Limousin 330kg £1140 (345) S O'Rawe, Ballycastle Limousin 330kg £1140 (345) J Breen, Lurgan Limousin 310kg £1060 (341) R McNabney, Limousin 350kg £1180 (337) D McKillop, Glenarm Limousin 350kg £1170 (334) T Jackson, Limousin 330kg £1080 (327) R McMullan, Limousin 310kg £100 (322) R McNabney, Limousin 350kg £1120 (320) and Carrigeen Farms Ltd, Limousin 310kg £990 (319).
351kg and over
F McMullan, Cushendall Limousin 360kg £1280 (355) Limousin 360kg £1220 (338) D McKillop, Limousin 380kg £1240 (326) WJ and RJ Cuthbert, Limousin 370kg £1200 (324) Limousin 360kg £1160 (322) G McKeown, Limousin 390kg £1240 (318) WJ and RJ Cuthbert, 2x Limousin 360kg £1440 (316) A and D McAfee, Charolais 360kg £1140 (316) R McNabney, Limousin 380kg £1200 (315) and WJ and R J Cuthbert, Limousin 450kg £1420 (315).
Monday 13th May 2024: Ewes and lambs sold to £362. Pet lambs to £42.
Leading prices as follows: RA McLaren, Ballyclare 1 Texel and 2 lambs £362, C Patterson, Broughshane 1 Texel and 2 lambs £345, K Steele-Nicholson, 3 Suffolk and 3 lambs £335, 2 Suffolk and 2 lambs £335, J Martin, Broughshane 5 Mule and 10 lambs £330, RJ Lyle, Larne 1 Charollais and 2 lambs £328, W Carson, Cloughmills 3 Mule and 6 lambs £312, K Steele-Nicholson 2 Suffolk and 2 lambs £310, R A McLarnen, Ballyclare 5 Texel and 10 lambs £310, S McNeill, Cushendun Mule and 2 lambs £305, K Steele-Nicholson, 4 Suffolk £305, C Patterson, Broughshane 1 Mule and 2 lambs £305, W Carson, 3 Mule and 5 lambs £295, WS McConnell, Ballyclare 3 Blackface and 5 lambs £295, C Patterson, 3 Mule and 5 lambs £292 and S Loughery, Limavady 1 Mule and 2 lambs £290.
Tuesday 14th May 2024: An entry of 200 store cattle in Ballymena resulted in a super trade.
Bullocks sold to £1260 over for a Limousin 610kg at £1870 presented by C Tinsdale, Carnlough.
Heifers sold to £1160 over for a Limousin 400kg at £1560 offered by N Hamill, Aughafatten.
0kg to 500kg
N Hamill, Aughafatten Limousin 400kg £1560 (390) M Simmons Charolais 410kg £1280 (312) J Moore, Glenwherry Charolais 430kg £1320 (307) local farmer, Limousin 460kg £1370 (297) J McKeever, Ahoghill Parthenais 450kg £1340 (297) N Hamill, Ballymena Limousin 440kg £1310 (297) Limousin 470kg £1380 (293) M Simmons, Charolais 390kg £1140 (292) N Hamill, Limousin 490kg £1420 (289) M Simmons, Charolais 440kg £1270 (288) N Hamill, Limousin 470kg £1350 (287) M Simmons, Charolais 370kg £1060 (286) T Hamill, Limousin 490kg £1400 (285) J Moore, Glenwherry Charolais 440kg £1240 (281) N Hamill, Limousin 480kg £1350 (281) and S Dougan, Limousin 360kg £1010 (280).
501kg and over
G and A O’Loan, Martinstown Limousin 530kg £1560 (294) J McKeever, Ahoghill Parthenais 510kg £1470 (288) G and A O’Loan, Limousin 520kg £1480 (284) Limousin 540kg £1500 (277) TA Fenton, Raskin Charolais 540kg £1480 (274) G and A O’Loan, Limousin 540kg £1480 (274) Hay Brothers, Abondance 530kg £1420 (267) S Wilson, Ballynure Charolais 560kg £1460 (260) A Smyth, Charolais 570kg £1480 (259) G and A O’Loan, Limousin 580kg £1470 (253) DJ Moore, Ballyclare Charolais 540kg £1360 (251) A Smyth, Simmental 510kg £1280 (251) DJ Moore, Shorthorn 510kg £1270 (249) local farmer, Limousin 510kg £1260 (247) and D Smyth, Abondance 540kg £1320 (244) Abondance 510kg £1240 (243).
0kg to 500kg
J Steede, Ballymena Abondance 230kg £765 (332) local farmer, Limousin 460kg £1480 (321) T Hamill, Limousin 430kg £1380 (320) Limousin 450kg £1430 (317) R McCurdy, Broughshane Limousin 430kg £1360 (316) local farmer, Limousin 490kg £1540 (314) Limousin 430kg £1350 (314) T Hamill, Limousin 390kg £1210 (310) Limousin 420kg £1280 (304) Limousin 500kg £1520 (304) Limousin 490kg £1460 (298) A McKnight, Limousin 320kg £950 (296) E Little, Belgian Blue 470kg £1380 (293) J Moore, Charolais 430kg £1260 (293) A McKnight, Limousin 360kg £1040 (288) and T Hamill, Limousin 440kg £1270 (288).
501kg and over
C Tinsdale, Carnlough Limousin 560kg £1790 (319) Limousin 590kg £1840 (311) Limousin 610kg £1870 (306) J McKeever, Ahoghill Parthenais 540kg £1620 (300) A Smyth, Limousin 520kg £1550 (298) G Coulter Limousin 610kg £1750 (286) P Barry, Toomebridge Limousin 570kg £1620 (284) J McKeever, Hereford 580kg £1630 (281) A Cameron, Belgian Blue 590kg £1650 (279) A Smyth, Simmental 580kg £1610 (277) G Coulter, Belgian Blue 570kg £1580 (277) Limousin 520kg £1435 (276) Belgian Blue 560kg £1545 (275) G A and I Sheppard, Ballyronan Hereford 550kg £1510 (274) A Smyth, Limousin 520kg £1420 (273) and G Coulter, Limousin 590kg £1600 (271).