EN 中文 DE FR عربى

The Ministry of Agriculture of Moldova reported a milk shortage in the republic

Moldova 09.01.2024
Source: tass.ru
904 EN 中文 DE FR عربى
Moldova is faced with a shortage of milk, the producers of which cover only a small part of the demand in the country. This was stated at a briefing by the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic Vladimir Bolya.
The Ministry of Agriculture of Moldova reported a milk shortage in the republic

“There is a colossal shortage of milk in Moldova. In the first six months of last year, we produced 28 thousand liters of domestic product, while the need is 568 thousand,” said Vladimir Bolya.

He emphasized that over the years of independence the republic has turned from a major milk producer into an importer. According to statistics, in Moldova there are only 14 thousand dairy cows on farms, and about 50 thousand more are kept on private farms.

In this regard, the ministry has developed a number of programs within which grants in the amount of up to $1 million per beneficiary will be implemented. This, as the government expects, will help livestock farmers by 2025 increase the number of dairy cows on farms that will produce at least 160 thousand liters of milk to cover 40% of domestic consumption.

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