EN 中文 DE FR عربى

Yadu Krishnan's innovative leap from cow to donkey dairy farming

India 28.06.2024
Source: The DairyNews
667 EN 中文 DE FR عربى
Kannur: Yadu Krishnan, an enterprising young farmer from Chokli, Kannur, had a revelation while successfully managing a dairy with 30 cows. Yadu realized that while cow's milk earned him Rs 50 per litre, donkey's milk could fetch a staggering Rs 5,000 per litre. Intrigued by this potential, he decided to embark on an experimental journey into donkey farming.
Yadu Krishnan's innovative leap from cow to donkey dairy farming

Managing a cow dairy was second nature to Yadu, especially with his background in Livestock Dairy Farm studies, which bolstered his confidence in branching out into donkey rearing. However, to ensure success, Yadu pursued formal training in donkey farming across Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu for eight months.

Upon completing his training, Yadu established a dedicated one-acre enclosure with an iron wire fence adjacent to his cow farm at 'Balakamalam' in Olivilam, Chokli. He secured a loan of Rs 20 lakh and invested in 20 donkeys of local, Hillary, and Kathewadi breeds from Andhra Pradesh, each costing between Rs 70,000 to Rs 1.2 lakh.

Given that each donkey produces only 300-500 ml of milk daily, Yadu stores the milk in a freezer until it accumulates to 300 litres, at which point it is collected by farms in Tirunelveli. Donkey milk is highly sought after for beauty products, and traditional healers in Wayanad and Kozhikode also purchase it from Yadu.

Donkeys have a gestation period of 13 months. After delivery, the foal is fed the milk for the first two months, and farmers can then milk the donkey for the next seven months. Both Yadu and his father Bashin are adept at milking the donkeys.

The donkeys' diet comprises fresh grass, chaff, wheat, and oil cake. Yadu lets his donkeys graze freely during the day and secures them in a cage at night. "The biggest challenge in donkey-rearing is the lack of treatment facilities for sick animals," says Yadu.

Donkeys are susceptible to the same diseases as horses, including tuberculosis, which also affects goats. Due to their sensitivity, illnesses can be fatal for donkeys. Currently, Yadu relies on his self-acquired knowledge to treat his donkeys.

Photo: Manorama

Read more at: https://www.onmanorama.com/news/kerala/2024/06/28/young-dairy-farmer-kannur-earns-5000-litre-milk-re...

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