Uzbekistan introduces six-month quality control of dairy products

At the same time, the packaging of dairy products will necessarily indicate whether they are made from natural milk or from powdered milk. The costs associated with the periodic assessment will be covered by the Fund for Support of Industries of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
These measures are envisaged in the draft resolution of the President of Uzbekistan "On Ensuring Food Security in the Republic and Further Development of the Food Industry", developed by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and submitted for public discussion.
In addition, the project provides for the creation of specialized laboratories for a complete analysis of the safety of milk and dairy products. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry, together with the Agency for Technical Regulation, the Committee for the Development of Veterinary Medicine and Livestock, and the Ministry of Justice, must submit proposals to the Cabinet of Ministers by June 1, 2025, on organizing the work of territorial laboratories of the State Institution "Center for Scientific Testing and Quality Control of Uzbekistan". Initially, such laboratories will be launched in the Tashkent, Samarkand and Namangan regions.