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Negotiations between Ukrainian and Polish representatives of the dairy industry have taken place

Ukraine 06.03.2024
Source: The DairyNews
921 EN 中文 DE FR عربى
In a joint open statement, the Polish Dairy Chamber, the Association of Milk Producers, and the Union of Dairy Enterprises of Ukraine called on officials from Poland and Ukraine to engage in dialogue and constructively resolve the crisis at the border, the press service of the Association of Milk Producers of Ukraine writes
Negotiations between Ukrainian and Polish representatives of the dairy industry have taken place
On February 29th, talks were held in Białystok between Ukrainian and Polish representatives of the dairy industry. Participants included Agnieszka Maliszewska, the director of the Polish Dairy Chamber (Polska Izba Mleka), Anna Lavrenyuk, the CEO of the Association of Milk Producers, and Arsen Didur, the executive director of the Union of Dairy Enterprises of Ukraine. The established and candid dialogue between Ukrainian and Polish dairy professionals serves as an example of constructive cooperation and mutual understanding for the agricultural authorities of both countries, crucial for the overall development of the European Union's agricultural community amid Eurointegration.

Following the working meeting, a press conference was held during which representatives of the dairy industries of both countries, acting not only as business representatives but also as politically responsible public figures, emphasized the importance of a constructive dialogue between officials on both sides of the border.

The politicization of the issue of Ukrainian product exports and transit, the delayed response to the violation of international agreements, and the blocking of trade routes unequivocally harm mutually beneficial cooperation, trust, and the investment climate between our countries.

Maintaining the export of dairy products, especially cheese, to Ukraine is an essential economic point for Poland, as the positive balance for Polish exporters in trade between Poland and Ukraine exceeds 97 million euros. However, for the Ukrainian dairy industry, it is also crucial to develop the opportunity to sell dairy products to external markets through the western border, as this is an additional factor for maintaining the industry's margin and fair procurement prices for raw milk.

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