Kyrgyzstan and the UN discussed the development of a pilot agricultural cluster for dairy production in the Chui region

During the forum, projects for creating agricultural clusters in three regions of Kyrgyzstan were presented, which will increase the volume of milk and meat production, improve the quality of products and ensure their availability on the market. Issues of financing projects, opportunities for cooperation between investors and producers, as well as prospects for the development of agriculture in the country were discussed.
“Milk and dairy products are included in the list of socially significant food products,” noted Mail Aliyaskarov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic, opening the forum. – The dairy industry has great potential for development. In recent years, there has been a steady increase in milk consumption in our country, and domestic products are also successfully sold in foreign markets, especially in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Russia.”
According to the press service, cluster policy is most suitable for small farmers and agribusiness in Kyrgyzstan, as it allows to increase productivity, the level of sales of products and establish production with higher added value.
“Clusters emphasize territorial connections,” said Kuvatbek Bapaev, international technical adviser at the FAO Office in Kyrgyzstan. “They enable small producers to achieve greater production scale while reducing risk and cost. In addition, clusters contribute to the development of social capital and productive dialogue between the public and private sectors, strengthening trust and coordination between stakeholders.”
The forum also included thematic sessions, during which the organizers of the meeting made presentations to multilateral development banks and agribusiness enterprises on investment opportunities in dairy and meat production. Future investors also had the opportunity to learn about special regional initiatives.