The Italian company will begin construction of a plant for the production of feed yeast in Kazakhstan in 2024
The Milan-based company PROSOL plans to begin construction of a plant for the production of feed yeast in the second quarter of 2024.

The products will be made from beet molasses. The area for the enterprise will be 3 hectares. It will be located in the QYZYLJAR FEZ.
“Raw materials will be imported from Russia. The amount of investment is 3 billion tenge, with the creation of 40 new jobs. The project capacity is 3 thousand tons per year,” noted Ildar Ismagulov, head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial-Innovative Development of the North Kazakhstan region.
Feeder yeast is a protein and vitamin feed additive for animals. Due to their high protein content and B vitamins, they help accelerate the growth and weight gain of young domestic animals and reduce their mortality.
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