Foot-and-Mouth Disease Outbreak Halts Our Livestock and Genetic Material Exports - Alex Bauer

Alex, how has the FMD outbreak in Germany affected your work in genetics and the company’s export plans?
– The FMD outbreak has significantly impacted us. Livestock exports have been completely halted, and semen supply has been reduced by 90%. To resume operations, we need the outbreak to be contained, restrictions lifted, and Germany’s status as an FMD-free country reinstated. Only then can we restore supply chains, which will require active collaboration with the ministries of our partner countries.
What are the main challenges you face due to the closure of third-country markets?
– One of the key challenges is finding new sales channels. We are actively exploring opportunities to deliver semen through countries that remain open to exports.
What anti-crisis measures are you implementing in your company in response to the current situation?
– We have had to revise our cost strategy. We are increasing margins on product sales, potentially reducing participation in some exhibitions, and cutting back on business trips.
Do you think the current restrictions might affect the availability and quality of genetic material globally?
– No, I don’t think so. If the outbreak is eliminated promptly, we should be able to return to previous supply volumes within a year.
In your opinion, how should the global community respond to such crises to minimize their impact?
– The international community’s response in this case was appropriate. All actions were regulated by the standards of the World Organisation for Animal Health. Strict adherence to these rules is the only way to ensure global biosecurity. Genetics will remain unaffected.