NDDB calls for expanding dairy exports as India's milk output rises
Source: The DairyNews
Meenesh Shah, Chairman and Managing Director of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), has emphasized the need for India to increase its share in the global milk export market as the country is set to boost its share in global milk production over the next decade.

Currently accounting for 24% of the world's milk production, India's milk output has been growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6%, compared to the world average of 2%. Shah suggests that if this growth trend continues, India could have a one-third share in global milk output in the next 7-10 years.
Shah highlights the importance of enhancing India's share in the export market to sustain growth in milk production.
While India's current share in the world dairy market is less than 0.5%, Shah sees India as uniquely positioned to cater to the world market, especially in South-East Asia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and West Asia, which heavily rely on milk product imports.
Shah highlights the importance of enhancing India's share in the export market to sustain growth in milk production.
While India's current share in the world dairy market is less than 0.5%, Shah sees India as uniquely positioned to cater to the world market, especially in South-East Asia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and West Asia, which heavily rely on milk product imports.
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