EN 中文 DE FR عربى

Arrabawn Increases Milk Price for July 2024 Supplies

Ireland 20.08.2024
Source: DairyNews.today
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On Monday, August 19, the board of Arrabawn announced a decision to increase the milk price for July 2024 supplies. The co-op will now pay its milk suppliers 45.9c/L, based on standard constituents of 3.3% protein and 3.6% butterfat.
Arrabawn Increases Milk Price for July 2024 Supplies
This marks an increase fr om the previous month’s rate of 43.9c/L. The new price includes a 0.5c/L sustainability incentive payment and a 0.75c/L support payment, reflecting the co-op’s commitment to supporting its suppliers and promoting sustainable practices.

Arrabawn's decision aligns with a broader trend in the dairy industry, wh ere other major processors have also announced price increases for July supplies:

Tirlán: The Kilkenny-based processor has confirmed it will pay a total of 44.83c/L, including VAT, for July creamery milk supplies at the standard constituents. This represents a 1.75c/L increase over the June payment. Tirlán also noted that the base price and sustainability action payments will be adjusted to reflect the actual constituents of the milk delivered.

Dairygold: The board of Dairygold announced a 2.0c/L increase, bringing their payment to 44.5c/L. This price, which includes sustainability and quality bonuses along with VAT, translates to an average farm gate price of 49.8c/L based on the average July 2024 milk solids achieved by Dairygold suppliers.

Kerry Dairy Ireland: Earlier in the month, Kerry Dairy Ireland set its price at 44c/L, up fr om 42.5c/L for June milk supplies.

Lakeland Dairies: Last week, the board of Lakeland Dairies announced a base price increase of 1.75c/L, setting the July price at 45.25c/L.

These price adjustments reflect the current dynamics in the dairy market, wh ere processors are responding to various factors, including production costs, market demand, and sustainability goals. The incremental increases across multiple co-ops indicate a positive trend for dairy farmers, offering some relief amidst the broader economic pressures. As processors continue to adjust their pricing strategies, the focus on sustainability and quality incentives suggests a growing emphasis on long-term industry resilience.

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