EN 中文 DE FR عربى

USDA Opens Public Comment on Proposed Changes to Federal Milk Marketing Order

USA 16.07.2024
Source: The DairyNews
492 EN 中文 DE FR عربى
The USDA has invited dairy farmers to comment on its proposed changes to the Federal Milk Marketing Order. These modifications, open for public review, aim to address various aspects of milk pricing and classification.
USDA Opens Public Comment on Proposed Changes to Federal Milk Marketing Order
Source: freepik.com
Key proposed changes include reverting the Class I skim milk price calculation to the ‘higher-of’ formula, adjustments to milk composition factors, and increases in the make allowances for Class III and Class IV products such as cheese, butter, nonfat dry milk, dry whey, and butterfat recovery.

The American Farm Bureau Federation has expressed disappointment with some of the proposed changes, criticizing them for not being based on a mandatory, audited survey of processors' costs. The USDA plans to finalize these changes by fall and will subsequently submit them to producers for a vote.

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