Igor Baringolts: Business in Dairy Farming is About Mission, Not Money
Source: The DairyNews
Igor Baringolts, Chairman of the Board of Directors of RM-Agro, will speak during the business program of the XV Dairy Olympics. The event will take place in Ankara, Turkey from May 26 to 29.

The expert will participate on May 28 in the panel discussion "Why I'm in Dairy?" and share practical experience in building an efficient milk production enterprise.
"When I was choosing where to apply my efforts, I was looking for an industry where I could work, thrive, and not fear the interest in the business fr om those who might want to take it away," shared Igor Baringolts.
"Business in dairy farming is not about money, it's about mission. Those who come to create a business, package it, and sell it - they quickly leave it. If you're in dairy for the long haul, you're not just working in the industry, you're living in it. I'm fortunate - I have established myself in this field, and I enjoy my work. If I have extra money, I'll invest it back into dairy farming," added Igor Baringolts.
Last year, RM-Agro achieved all its set goals. The company is among the top 25 largest milk producers in Russia and is a leader in milk production in the Republic of Tatarstan. For over 25 years, it has been successfully developing under the leadership of its unwavering owner and manager, Rifat Mutigullin.
"The year was very challenging, and the current one will continue to test us. There are many external factors: political and economic risks that affect the industry. But the cow needs to be fed and milked today, not when the risks decrease. I don't remember farming ever being easy. Enterprises continue to operate and develop despite everything," commented the leader.
The main problem that market participants are addressing today is the profitability of the business, noted the expert. Investment attractiveness is being lost due to limited access to preferential lending.
"At the moment, the cheapest loans in agriculture are in dairy farming. However, there is a lim it on them, and it is constantly decreasing. Investment attractiveness will decrease, and many will leave the market," expressed Igor Baringolts.
Currently, the company is also actively developing a milk deep processing project aimed at reducing milk market volatility.
The goal of the Dairy Olympics is to determine the prospects of the global dairy market, assess existing industry problems, forecast trends, establish new connections, and initiate new grand projects. You can register as a participant or propose your topic for presentation on the official website of the event: https://olympics.dairynews.today/
"When I was choosing where to apply my efforts, I was looking for an industry where I could work, thrive, and not fear the interest in the business fr om those who might want to take it away," shared Igor Baringolts.
"Business in dairy farming is not about money, it's about mission. Those who come to create a business, package it, and sell it - they quickly leave it. If you're in dairy for the long haul, you're not just working in the industry, you're living in it. I'm fortunate - I have established myself in this field, and I enjoy my work. If I have extra money, I'll invest it back into dairy farming," added Igor Baringolts.
Last year, RM-Agro achieved all its set goals. The company is among the top 25 largest milk producers in Russia and is a leader in milk production in the Republic of Tatarstan. For over 25 years, it has been successfully developing under the leadership of its unwavering owner and manager, Rifat Mutigullin.
"The year was very challenging, and the current one will continue to test us. There are many external factors: political and economic risks that affect the industry. But the cow needs to be fed and milked today, not when the risks decrease. I don't remember farming ever being easy. Enterprises continue to operate and develop despite everything," commented the leader.
The main problem that market participants are addressing today is the profitability of the business, noted the expert. Investment attractiveness is being lost due to limited access to preferential lending.
"At the moment, the cheapest loans in agriculture are in dairy farming. However, there is a lim it on them, and it is constantly decreasing. Investment attractiveness will decrease, and many will leave the market," expressed Igor Baringolts.
Currently, the company is also actively developing a milk deep processing project aimed at reducing milk market volatility.
The goal of the Dairy Olympics is to determine the prospects of the global dairy market, assess existing industry problems, forecast trends, establish new connections, and initiate new grand projects. You can register as a participant or propose your topic for presentation on the official website of the event: https://olympics.dairynews.today/
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