EN 中文 DE FR عربى

Ayşegül Selışık: FAO will continue to support the dairy industry worldwide

World 27.05.2024
Source: The DairyNews
421 EN 中文 DE FR عربى
Ayşegül Selışık, FAO Assistant Representative in Türkiye, during the XV Dairy Olympics organized by DairyNews.today in Ankara, highlighted the important role of the dairy industry worldwide.
Ayşegül Selışık: FAO will continue to support the dairy industry worldwide
"Milk is an irreplaceable source of protein and micronutrients for children. Over the last three decades, global milk production has increased by more than 80%. India is the leading milk-producing country and has seen rapid growth in milk production among all developing countries. Milk production in Africa is growing more slowly. The FAO plans to continue supporting and providing assistance to the dairy industry worldwide," noted Ayşegül Selışık.

The expert highlighted the importance of adhering to sustainable development goals for dairy livestock.

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