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Cheryl Tevis

Cheryl Tevis

About the author: As farm management editor at Successful Farming magazine at Meredith Corp. in Des Moines, Cheryl was the first woman editor in the magazine's history to write about business. Her monthly column elevated the role of women in agriculture. She also wrote the longest-running farm magazine's health and safety page. She retired in 2015, after 36 years. Cheryl served on the board of Farm Safety For Just Kids, and is a founding member of Iowa Women in Agriculture. She farms and is a longtime 4-H leader and community volunteer in Boone County, Iowa. Her column, Unfinished Business, is on Substack and she is a member of the Iowa Writers' Collaborative.

Post: journalist and editor

Publications: 1

New Dairy Promises Iowa Industry Growth But Who Will Milk All Those Cows?

I’m delighted Daisy Brand, LLC will be building a 750,000 square foot manufacturing plant in Boone, Iowa.
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