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Dairy Industry Overview: Netherlands

The Netherlands is renowned for its robust dairy industry, which plays a crucial role in both its domestic economy and the global dairy market. The country is characterized by advanced dairy farms, efficient milk processing plants, and an active international trading presence.

Key Data

Number of Dairy Cattle (2023): Approximately 1.57 million

Milk Production Volume (2023): Approximately 14.3 billion liters/year

Milk Processing Volume (2023): Estimated at 13 billion liters/year

Cheese Production Volume (2023): About 909,000 tonnes/year

Volume of Milk Powder and Whey Production (2023): Approximately 300,000 tonnes/year

Key Enterprises in the Dairy Market

The Dutch dairy market consists of numerous influential players. Here are some of the key enterprises both in milk processing and dairy farming:

Dairy Plants

  • FrieslandCampina
  • Royal A-ware
  • Vreugdenhil Dairy Foods
  • Farm Dairy
  • DOC Kaas

Dairy Farms

  • Melkveehouderij Arie van den Berg
  • Dairy Farm Van Leeuwen
  • Runderkamp Dairy
  • De Wijde Blik
  • Kaasboerderij Weenink

Export and Import of Dairy Products

Export Volume (2023): Approximately 7.1 billion euros

Import Volume (2023): Approximately 3.5 billion euros

Significant Events in the Dairy Market

  • Ausnutria Dairy Corp. is set to fully acquire the Netherlands-based organic goat’s cheese cooperative, Amalthea. This acquisition is expected to strengthen the organic dairy segment in the Netherlands.
  • Raw milk prices have increased to 47.75 euro cents per kg. This marks a significant rise compared to June 2023 and reflects the global trends in dairy pricing.
  • Efforts to reduce nitrogen emissions in the Netherlands are expected to further decrease herd sizes. This environmental policy could have substantial implications on milk production volumes in the future.
  • In 2023, the company increased and developed cooperation in the Netherlands.
  • Imports of dairy products into China, primarily from the Netherlands, declined by 13% year-on-year.
  • Arla Foods is owned by more than 8400 farmers from Denmark, Sweden, the UK, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
  • The Milk Sustainability Center is now available as a free version to a select number of dairy farmers.

Overall, the Netherlands remains a pivotal player in the global dairy industry, known for its quality production and strong market presence.

Modified: 2024/10/08

Milkypedia is a digital project by the international publishing house, serving as an encyclopedia of the global dairy industry.

It is a living, organic, and comprehensive database of the industry, accessible to everyone online.

Milkypedia by compiles data on countries and key regions involved in milk production, as well as on companies and prominent figures working in the dairy sector.

Milkypedia by is an automated system created by the publishing house's developers and Artificial Intelligence. The dairy industry encyclopedia independently updates data on each element. The source and database for Milkypedia are derived from the information published on the news agency website.

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