Steven Hubbard


Senior Data Scientist at the American Immigration Council


Steven Hubbard was born on June 15, 1980, in Madison, Wisconsin. He pursued a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin. Later, he earned a Master's degree in Data Science from Stanford University, where he specialized in data analytics and machine learning. Steven's career began at a tech startup focusing on data solutions for small businesses. His passion for data-driven social change led him to join the American Immigration Council, where he has since been instrumental in shaping research and policy analysis through advanced data science techniques.

Current Place of Work

American Immigration Council

Important Events Related to Steven Hubbard

In 2015, Steven joined the American Immigration Council as a data analyst and quickly rose to become the senior data scientist due to his innovative approaches in handling immigration data. One of his pivotal contributions includes the development of a predictive model that assesses immigration trends, directly impacting policy-making decisions. In 2018, he was recognized by Data Science Digest as one of the top 50 data scientists influencing governmental policy. Steven's work has had indirect effects on the dairy industry by helping to understand and optimize the labor force which relies partly on immigrant labor, crucial for dairy farming in many U.S. states such as Wisconsin and California.

His research has been pivotal in advocating for fair immigration policies that ensure a steady workforce for the agriculture sectors, including dairy production. Steven continues to publish and speak on matters related to data science's role in immigration and labor markets.

Modified: 2025/02/04

Milkypedia is a digital project by the international publishing house, serving as an encyclopedia of the global dairy industry.

It is a living, organic, and comprehensive database of the industry, accessible to everyone online.

Milkypedia by compiles data on countries and key regions involved in milk production, as well as on companies and prominent figures working in the dairy sector.

Milkypedia by is an automated system created by the publishing house's developers and Artificial Intelligence. The dairy industry encyclopedia independently updates data on each element. The source and database for Milkypedia are derived from the information published on the news agency website.

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