N Biren Singh: Catalyst for Dairy Development in Manipur

N Biren Singh, born on 1st January 1961, is an influential Indian politician currently serving as the Chief Minister of Manipur. With a rich career history in both journalism and politics, Biren Singh's role in advancing Manipur's economy has been pivotal, especially in the dairy sector.


N Biren Singh joined politics after a successful stint in journalism. He was the founder and editor of the Naharolgi Thoudang, a vernacular daily in Manipur. His political journey began with his election to the Manipur Legislative Assembly in 2002 as a member of the Democratic Revolutionary Peoples Party. Over the years, he switched affiliations and became a prominent figure in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Current Position

He is currently serving his second term as the Chief Minister of Manipur, having assumed office first in March 2017. Under his leadership, several developmental projects have been initiated to boost the state's socio-economic fabric.

Important Events

One of the significant initiatives led by N Biren Singh is the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) aimed at augmenting dairy production in Manipur. The partnership is seen as a transformative move to enhance rural livelihoods by improving dairy infrastructure, providing technical support, and increasing productivity.

This MoU represents a major step towards meeting the growing demand for dairy products in the region, ensuring nutrient security, and providing a sustainable income source for local dairy farmers. The initiative aligns with broader efforts to integrate Manipur into India's vibrant dairy industry, which ensures quality milk supply and supports economic growth.

The impact of this strategic collaboration is expected to reflect in the coming years with increased milk production, improved dairy marketing facilities, and upliftment of the rural dairy farmers of Manipur.

Modified: 2025/02/20

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