D. Vivek


Managing Director of DKMUL


While detailed biographical information on D. Vivek is not available in our current dataset, his role as the Managing Director of DKMUL places him among the influential leaders in the dairy sector.

Current Place of Work

DKMUL (Dakshina Kannada Milk Union Limited) is a prominent cooperative in the dairy industry focused on enhancing milk production and quality in the Dakshina Kannada region and providing a stable market for milk producers.

Important Events Related to D. Vivek

As the Managing Director, D. Vivek has overseen numerous initiatives aimed at improving operational efficiency and expanding market reach. He has been instrumental in adopting innovative practices to support the dairy farmers under the cooperative. Although specific events and dates are not detailed in the available dataset, his strategic leadership continues to support the growth and stability of DKMUL in a competitive market.

Modified: 2025/03/13

Milkypedia is a digital project by the international publishing house Dairynews.today, serving as an encyclopedia of the global dairy industry.

It is a living, organic, and comprehensive database of the industry, accessible to everyone online.

Milkypedia by Dairynews.today compiles data on countries and key regions involved in milk production, as well as on companies and prominent figures working in the dairy sector.

Milkypedia by Dairynews.today is an automated system created by the publishing house's developers and Artificial Intelligence. The dairy industry encyclopedia independently updates data on each element. The source and database for Milkypedia are derived from the information published on the Dairynews.today news agency website.

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